Tahiyya Khan, a graduate student in Drexel University’s Maternal and Child Health (MCH) Catalyst program, is the latest featured author for MCH Leads. In her Health Equity Edition entry, titled “Building the Bridge from Mentee to Mentor,” Tahiyya reflects on her academic journey, the mentors who influenced her, and her experiences as a mentor, particularly during her internship with Heights Philadelphia, a non-profit group that helps minority students succeed in high school and post-graduate endeavors. During this internship, she designed an elective for high school students called Arts, Crafts, and Expression (ACE), which aims to develop various coping skills for stress release to prevent burnout. “The role of coaching and mentoring is a guiding light in the constantly changing field of public health. Mentors are essential in helping prospective professionals traverse the difficulties of this industry by molding their path, offering wisdom, and encouraging development.”
Learn more about Tahiyya’s contributions here!