Health Equity Edition

MCH Leads Health Equity Edition In order to advance health equity for MCH populations, beginning January 2023, MCH Leads will feature trainees’ health equity-focused work. We look forward to highlighting trainees’ experiences supporting the health and well-being of vulnerable and underserved populations and communities. Also, their work assessing and addressing the underlying causes of health disparities–and their efforts to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion–ultimately improving MCH outcomes. In addition, we encourage trainees to reflect on how the MCH Leadership Competencies are applicable to their health equity-focused stories. Read our co-editors’ introductory post for this special edition.

Health Equity Edition Posts

December 2023 | Supporting Breastfeeding for the First Six Months of Life through Leadership and Policy [Competency 2: Self-Reflection; Competency 12: Policy] By Karah Waters from the USF Center of Excellence in MCH, Education, Science, and Practice.

November 2023 | Advancing Health Equity through Interprofessional Team Building: A Case Study on Addressing Child, Early, and Forced Marriages [Competency 10: Interdisciplinary & Interprofessional Team Building] By Mahnoor Fatima from the Emory University Maternal and Child Health Center of Excellence.

October 2023 | The Importance of Communication to Build Family-Professional Relationships: An Evaluation of Louisiana’s Partners for Healthy Babies Hotline [Competency 5: Communication; 8: Family-Professional Relationships; 11: Working with Communities and Systems] By Isabella Rose Walters from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee MCH Catalyst Program.

September 2023 | What We Can Learn From Family Drug Treatment Courts? [Competency 2: Self-Reflection; Competency 12: Policy] By Madeline Frank from the UNC Center of Excellence in Maternal and Child Health Education, Science and Practice.

June 2023 | Blooming and Ready to Pour: Promoting Menstrual Equity [Competency 9: Developing Others Through Teaching, Coaching, and Mentoring; 10: Interdisciplinary & Interprofessional Team Building] By Abigail Suleman from University of Illinois Chicago Center of Excellence in Maternal and Child Health.

May 2023 | An Unexpected Connection Fosters Passion for MCH Research [Competency 1: MCH Base Knowledge/Context] By Markolline Forkpa from Drexel University Maternal and Child Health Catalyst Program.

April 2023 | Systems-Level Work to Support Home Visiting and Promote Maternal and Infant Health Equity [Competency 4: Critical Thinking] By Candace Jarzombek from Boston University Center of Excellence in MCH.

March 2023 | Closing the Gap: Mobile App for Birth Equity [Competency 7: Cultural Competency; 11: Working with Communities and Systems] By Ijeoma Uche from UC Berkeley’s Center of Excellence in Maternal, Child and Adolescent Health.

February 2023 | Centering the Experiences of Persons Living with HIV [Competency 4: Critical Thinking; 6: Negotiation and Conflict Resolution] By Kiela Moreno from University of Illinois at Chicago’s Center of Excellence in MCH.

January 2023 | Birth Equity: Intentionally Rebirthing Experiences [Competency 1: MCH Knowledge Context; 11: Working with Communities and Systems] By Anastasia Woods from Tulane’s Center of Excellence in MCH.

December 2022 | Meet 2022-2023 Co-Editors & Upcoming Health Equity Edition [December 2022 Editorial] By our co-editors, Estefanía Henríquez Luthje from UMN’s Center for Leadership Education in Maternal & Child Public Health and Maha Mehmood from UAlbany’s MCH Catalyst Program.

Health Equity Author’s Toolkit

MCH Leads co-editors are thrilled about featuring your incredible maternal and child health (MCH) equity work on our blog! We understand there is nothing more daunting than a blank page, and for this reason we want to share an author’s toolkit with questions to reflect on your health equity work, ideas on how to integrate competencies into your blog piece, past blog posts to serve as inspiration, general writing tips, and other topic-related resources. 

Click here to download the author’s toolkit.

Funding provided by the Center for Leadership Education in Maternal and Child Public Health at the University of Minnesota and the University at Albany School of Public Health Maternal and Child Health Public Health Catalyst Program, which are supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). This information or content and conclusions of related outreach products are those of the authors and should not be construed as the official position or policy of, nor should any endorsements be inferred by HRSA, HHS or the U.S. Government.